How to know if an organic (green) brand is lying to you?

How many times have you walked in a shop, saw a greeny, earthy looking packaging of a skincare product, that had the words “Natural” or “Organic” printed right in the front, and you found out later that the brand was lying to you?

It’s not uncommon for brands to cheat with their packaging. They make them look like organic or vegan so the customer won’t turn the bottle to see what the ingredients actually are.

The first step to not be fooled by an ill-intentioned brand is to turn the bottle and look for the ingredient list. Legally, the ingredient list is the only place in the packaging a brand is obliged to tell the truth about the product’s components. There you will be able to see if the ingredients they used were organic or not.

Another tip to spotting fake organic products is to look for the “best before date”. Organic products don’t last longer than 18- 24 months, so If the products’ “best before date” is longer than that then it’s likely the ingredients used to preserve it are based in synthetic chemicals.

Kirstie explains in the videos how to navigate your way around buying green beauty and to check if you're not being lied to and why the INCi ingredient list is so key:

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