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Loyalty Terms & Conditions

Our Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program is all about helping you get the most out of your skincare. When you register on, you will be automatically registered on the scheme and a Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account will be opened for you.

Our Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program

You will be awarded 10 point for each complete £1 that you spend in a single transaction and these Eco Luxe Rewards Point can be redeemed for future product purchases that you make through the site.

Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program Terms

The Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program is managed and promoted by Pinks Boutique Ltd (we).

The scheme is valid on the web site. It is not valid on any other web site.

The Eco Luxe Rewards Point allocated through the scheme are personal to the account holder of the website account and the allied Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account to which the Eco Luxe Rewards Point have been allocated. They cannot be transferred to any other person or account. Nor can they be sold, or traded in any way.

Full details of how Eco Luxe Rewards Point are collected and how they may be redeemed can be found by reading the section below on how I collect and redeem Eco Luxe Rewards Point. Please read this section carefully as it forms part of the Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program terms. The scheme is only intended for personal use. Eco Luxe Rewards Point cannot be collected for use by a business. Corporate accounts are covered under separate terms.

Pinks Boutique Ltd do not accept any liability for Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program accounts that have been sabotaged due to any actions of the account owner.

In administering the scheme Pinks Boutique Ltd will be processing your personal details. Please see our Privacy and Data Protection Policy in order to understand how we do this and your rights.

We reserve the right, at any time without notice, to end the scheme or decline to issue any membership to the scheme.

We can take any action we believe to be appropriate if we have reason to believe that you are abusing the scheme, including withholding Eco Luxe Rewards Point previously credited to your Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account

We may modify the terms of the scheme in any way that we choose at any time. Changes to the terms will not affect Eco Luxe Rewards Point that you have already collected. These terms are valid from 1st December 2016.

How do I collect and redeem Eco Luxe Rewards Point?

You will be automatically registered on the Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program when you register an account on and a Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account will be opened for you. To collect Eco Luxe Rewards Point for a transaction on the site you must be logged into your account.

You will be awarded 10 point for every complete £1 that you spend in a single transaction. We may also set a limit on the number of Eco Luxe Rewards Point which may be awarded to each Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account in respect of certain items or generally. We may cancel Eco Luxe Rewards Point awarded if your order is later refunded or the balance of the Eco Luxe Rewards Point awarded if you exchange your ticket for a ticket with a lower Eco Luxe Rewards Point value.

You will be able to see the number of Eco Luxe Rewards Point you have earned from any purchase. on your Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account 24 hours after you purchase your ticket.

You can redeem your Eco Luxe Rewards Point against any products you buy on by exchanging your Eco Luxe Rewards Point on the product page. You can only redeem Eco Luxe Rewards Point when you have accrued enough to cover the full Eco Luxe Rewards Point value of the desired product. You can then redeem the e.voucher against the purchase price of the ticket that you want to buy. You will need to allow 24 hours after you have made a purchase for the loyalty Eco Luxe Rewards Point to register on your Pinks Boutique Loyalty Program account.

The current redemption value of Eco Luxe Rewards Point is 200 Eco Luxe Rewards Point to £1. We reserve the right to vary the rate at any time. Eco Luxe Rewards Point may only be redeemed against future purchases. They can never be redeemed in cash.

All loyalty Eco Luxe Rewards Point will only be valid within 365 days of earning them. If you do not collect and redeem your Eco Luxe Rewards Point within the 365 dates then they will expire, and they will not be carried forward.

Eco Luxe Rewards Point can also be earned by sharing products on Social Media channels, Facebook and Twitter. Doing this will earn you 100 Eco Luxe Rewards Point for every product you share. Please note you will only be able to earn Eco Luxe Rewards Point for sharing a product once a month for each product.

Eco Luxe Rewards Point can be earned by sharing your purchase at checkout. This will earn you 200 Eco Luxe Rewards Point.

Pinks  Boutique Ltd reserves the right to add, remove or suspend rewards within the portal without notice and the right to change the number of Eco Luxe Rewards Point required to obtain each reward.

Each reward has Terms and Conditions associated with it that must be agreed to before the reward will be issued. Rewards are fulfilled in different ways and these are detailed on the reward partners page




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